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Inverter Battery Care: Simple Maintenance Tips for Longevity

8 min read - 2nd Apr 2024

Can you imagine a life without the electric bulb, the fan, the television, the refrigerator, the AC, the geyser, and an unending list of several other appliances that are a part and parcel of our lives? You may notice that all these machines need electricity or power to function. However, the frequent load shedding and power cuts faced regularly almost all over the country make it difficult to use these appliances when needed. During such times of power cuts, you realize the importance of the inverter as a power backup source.

We know that an inverter runs with the help of a battery, which is the key component of the machine. Batteries of inverters enhance the performance of the machine and enhance their durability. Hence, it is critical to care for your inverter battery with regular maintenance to make it last long.

Let's delve into the practical and effective tips to maintain the longevity and good condition of your inverter battery to ensure continued power backup anytime, anywhere.

How to Maintain Your Inverter Battery for Longevity?

As discussed, life without power is almost impossible. To ensure that you have ample power backup during harsh times of power outages it is essential to maintain the longevity of your inverter battery. The life of your inverter effectively depends on the life of its battery and to enhance the lifespan and productivity of your inverter battery, you must understand the know-how of meticulous inverter battery maintenance. A well-maintained inverter battery will allow an uninterrupted supply of power during outages. Let us discuss the ways to maintain the lifespan of inverter battery for longevity:

Ways to Maintain Your Inverter Battery for Longevity

  1. Monitor Water Levels of the Battery – Monitoring the water levels in the battery cells, especially in the lead-acid batteries, is an important step to ensure the longevity of inverter batteries. The lead-acid batteries have electrolytes in their cells, which are controlled by water levels. Electrolytes are necessary to produce chemical reactions that generate electricity. The water level also influences the gravity of the electrolyte which indicates the state of charge of the battery. Use distilled water and do not over or underfill the battery. Ensure an optimal level of water as required.
  2. Regular cleaning and inspection – Another significant way to maintain an inverter battery for longevity is to regularly inspect the battery terminals for any dust, corrosion, or worn-out rusty surfaces. These issues may interfere with the flow of current in the battery and slow down the battery charging process to decrease the battery life. Detecting such corrosion can help prevent issues that may hamper the performance of the battery and its longevity.
    You can use a solution of hot water and baking soda in the corroded area to remove rust by rubbing it with an old toothbrush. Rinse and dry after scrubbing to remove the corrosion and apply a layer of petroleum jelly to avoid further corrosion.
  3. Install the Inverter Battery in a Well-Ventilated Place – The inverter battery gets heated up during operation and charging. Hence, you need proper ventilation to limit the extreme heat up and to enhance the battery life. So, install your inverter battery in an airy space.
  4. Keep the Battery Surface Clean – Dirt and dust particles may interfere with your inverter battery’s operation and reduce its lifespan. Hence, the battery surface and sides require regular cleaning with the help of a sponge or a soft cotton cloth. Also, if you see any cracks, leaks, etc., replace the battery immediately.
  5. Battery Charging Practices – Following proper charging practices is another important aspect that ensures battery longevity. It is important to charge the battery of the inverter fully before using it for the first time. Also, charge it fully if you have not used the battery for a long time. Use your battery regularly and do not let it stay idle without use for long. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions manual for other guidelines.
  6. Periodic Maintenance by Professionals – Besides the above, seeking periodic professional help is another important step to maintain the battery life of your inverter. For this, you can hire a qualified technician or call a luminous inverter battery expert to inspect and repair your inverter battery regularly to ensure its optimal performance and lifespan.

How to Troubleshoot to Detect Any Early Issues in Your Inverter Battery?

Here are a few tips to follow to maintain the best inverter battery:

  • If you notice flickering lights while using the inverter, it implies that the battery is not supplying enough voltage. This can happen if the battery is not properly charged or if the battery connection is poor
  • If you notice that the battery backup time has reduced significantly when using the inverter, it implies that there is water loss in the battery or it is aging
  • If you notice a cracked battery, it may imply that your battery is overcharged
  • If you see corroded terminals, it says that your battery is exposed to excess moisture due to poor maintenance or faulty wiring

In any of the above situations, it is important to act instantly by calling an expert to examine the battery and suggest a solution. Maintaining your battery regularly will avoid any such issues.

Sustainable Practices to Dispose of Inverter Batteries

When it comes to inverter batteries, the best practice is to recycle them for reuse. Inverter batteries generally last long with proper care and maintenance. However, if you want to dispose of your old and damaged battery, you must follow some precautions so that it doesn’t harm the environment. Here are some tips to dispose of your inverter battery sustainably:

  • If you want to recycle your inverter battery, you can approach a collection point for battery recycling.
  • They have experts who can handle your battery safely and in a responsible way to avoid damage to the environment
  • You may also return your battery to the manufacturer or dealer whom you got the battery from
  • You may enquire with your dealer about their recycling policy and send the battery to them for recycling and reuse

Also, while buying the inverter battery, you may choose to buy an eco-friendly battery that meets the sustainable environment standards and criteria. The lithium-ion batteries for that matter allow higher energy density with a long life. They also impact the environment less as compared to lead-acid batteries. The lithium-ion inverter batteries cost more than lead-acid ones, but they are more efficient with high capacity.

Some Quick Tips

  • Always keep your inverter battery away from any inflammable object
  • Always store and install the inverter battery in an airy and well-ventilated space
  • Clean battery terminals regularly
  • Make sure to periodically check the battery water level
  • Add only distilled water to the battery
  • Always keep the battery surface clean and away from dirt and dust


Use your inverter battery efficiently to enhance its lifespan and avoid misuse. Research well for sustainability and longevity as well as check your budget and inverter battery price before buying it. An inverter is an indispensable machine that has become a necessity in modern times. It is important to take good care and maintain your inverter battery to extend its lifespan. Follow guidelines to safeguard your inverter battery’s life and enjoy an efficient power backup without any risks.